Augentes is an innovative company, which has its roots in the wide international experience of the Q&T holding and which was born to create projects that promote, develop and provide professional skills in many sectors. The main company objective is to create and support worldwide international projects with value, working with determination, energy and professionalism, prostheses to create a better future.
The large team of Augentes consists of a melting pot of professionalism, united by a strong passion for innovation and research and an absolute focus on quality. In every activity, Augentes works in partnership with the client and with different public and private companies, to obtain sustainable results and implement winning strategies that are able to truly respond to current and potential needs.
The Augentes network includes partner companies in the European Union and in third countries and a pool of bodies and institutions that allow them to intervene with highly specialized skills in all the main areas that design global competitiveness and sustainability scenarios.